Welcome to Congregation Temple Emanuel. Please Join Us in the Celebration

Congregation Temple Emanuel wishes to invite all persons to celebrate the High Holy Days (Yamin Noraim) at Temple Emanuel
Congregation Temple Emanuel wishes to invite all persons to celebrate the High Holy Days (Yamin Noraim) at Temple Emanuel
Welcome to Pueblo, Colorado's Temple Emanuel Website. Temple Emanuel is on the National Register for Historical Places and is the second oldest Synagogue in Colorado. Its construction was completed in 1900 and dedicated on September 7, 1900. The Synagogue went through a complete renovation in the 1990's and again in 2022. It was rededicated in December 2000 its 100 anniversary. Temple Emanuel is a small congregation of 35 families. Please read more about the history of the Temple under the About Us tab.
Temple Emanuel Congregation was founded to provide Pueblo's Jewry with the opportunity to gather, Observe and study their faith, customs, and traditions and shall worship GOD in accordance with the faith of Judaism. Temple Emanuel stands strongly on the side of justice for all peoples, whether or not they are Jewish and regardless of their, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. To this end, Temple Emanuel welcomes all interested persons to its services.
Come celebrate the High Holy Days with Congregation Temple Emanuel. Temple Emanuel would like to invite all persons to share in the celebration of the Jewish HIgh Holy Days
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